Friday, 14 December 2012

The ultimate level of cannibalization

Being in demand forecasting, I am quite used to dealing with intra category and cross category cannibalizations esp. in consumer electronics industry (eg. Smartphones vs compact cameras; tablets vs netbooks; TVs vs mobile computers). But still the main reason for this cannibalization was over lapping features. 
However, the more I am studying consumer industry, the more interesting it’s getting. Ultimately people have limited resources (to begin with money (given this current economic situation for sure that’s not growing), but it doesn’t stop there as we can also argue over limitations on time and mental capabilities;) and they cannot have everything.

Recently I was reading one paper that took cannibalization to another level………… socio economic factors

Smartphones vs CARS (really cars!!)

Youth culture was once car culture. Cars were Friday night. Cars were Hollywood.
Yet these days, they can't even compete with a smartphone. Young adults are in fact buying fewer cars today than in the past. According to CNW Marketing Research, Americans between the ages of 21 to 34 purchased just 27 percent of new cars in 2010, down from 38 percent in 1985.

Is it really reasonable to blame that drop on Gen Y's love of technology? No, not entirely. But it is fair to think that our preoccupation with smartphones and laptops might be contributing to the fall. Here's why.
First, Gen Y is strapped for cash. Badly. Thanks to the recession and slow recovery, it's been slammed with high rates of joblessness
Second, young Americans aren't simply turning their back on buying cars. They're also turning their backs on driving. The percentage of teens and twenty-somethings with licenses has dropped dramatically over the past thirty years, which may be the sign that Gen Y's indifference towards autos is a cultural shift as much as an economic one.
Finally, this all might be part of a global pattern. There's a vivid, albeit anecdotal, evidence from Japan, where in 2008, the Wall Street Journal reported that the country's tech-obsessed youth had all but forgotten about cars:
Unlike their parents' generation, which viewed cars as the passport to freedom and higher social status, the Internet-connected Japanese youths today look to cars with indifference, according to market research by the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association and Nissan. Having grown up with the Internet, they (young Generation) no longer depend on a car for shopping, entertainment and socializing and prefer to spend their money in other ways.”

Sound familiar? As youth culture becomes tech culture, it may be be that cars just tend to get pushed out of the way. No matter where you are in the world.

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